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Base T, Bastl Z, Londesborough MGS, Machacek J. A comparison of boron hydride- and hydrocarbon-based thiol derivatives assembled on gold surfaces. NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show. 2008;1. Available at:
Base T, Londesborough MGS. Chemie podivnych tvaru aneb Vylet do rise hydridu boru (in Czech). Vesmir. 2008;87:748-749. Available at: base_londesborough_vesmir_2008-11_vol87_pp748-749.pdf (175.89 KB)
Base T, Bastl Z, Havranek V, et al. Carborane-thiol-silver interactions. A comparative study of the molecular protection of silver surfaces. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2010;204. Available at:
Base T, Bastl Z, Havranek V, Machacek J, Malina V. Carboranethiols: Building Blocks for Self-Assembled Monolayers on Copper Surfaces, or a Novel Class of Etchants?. European Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting. 2012. e-mrs_springmeeting_2012_t_base_poster.pdf (646.88 KB) e-mrs_springeeting_2012_t_base_abstract.pdf (16.55 KB)
Jana A, Unnikrishnan PM, Poonia AK, et al. Carboranethiol-Protected Propeller-Shaped Photoresponsive Silver Nanomolecule. Inorganic Chemistry. 2022;61:8593−8603. Available at:
Base T. Carboranethiol-modified surfaces of gold colloids and films. Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. 2007;Ph.D.:60. 2007_tomasbase_phdthesis.pdf (1.91 MB)
Base T, Bastl Z, Plzak Z, et al. Carboranethiol-Modified Gold Surfaces. A Study and Comparison of Modified Cluster and Flat Surfaces. Langmuir. 2005;21(17). Available at:
Jana A, Jash M, Dar WA, et al. Carborane-thiol protected copper nanoclusters: Stimuli-responsive materials with tunable phosphorescence . Chemical Science. Available at:
Jana A, Jash M, Dar WAhmed, et al. Carborane-thiol protected copper nanoclusters: Stimuli-responsive materials with tunable phosphorescence. Chemical Science. 2023;14:1613-1626. Available at:
Base T, Bastl Z, Havranek V, et al. Carboranedithiols: Building Blocks for Self-Assembled Monolayers on Copper Surfaces. Langmuir. 2012;28. Available at:
Base T, Bastl Z, Plzak Z, et al. Carborane Thiol-modified Gold Surfaces. A Study and Comparison of Modified Cluster and Flat Surfaces. 12th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON-XII). 2005. imeboron_xii_2005_t_base_talk.pdf (2.19 MB) imeboron_xii_2005_t_base_abstract.pdf (184.38 KB)
Langecker J, Fejfarova K, Dusek M, Rentsch D, Base T. Carbon-substituted 9,12-dimercapto-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes via a 9,12-bis(methoxy-methylthio)-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane precursor. Polyhedron. 2012;45. Available at:
